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The Wonderful People that make up the Reed Group, Past and Present

Amy Avelar
Fourth-year graduate student, B.S. UC-Riverside. She has made diprotic superacids with B12 dianions. Her research is supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship.


Dr. Evgenii Stoyanov
Dr. Stoyanov is a Visiting Professor from Novosibirsk , Russia . He is an IR expert and is investigating protonated molecules and H-bonding.

Irini Stoyanova
Irini is a Visiting Scientist from Novosibirsk , Russia . She is synthesizing reactive cations with carborane anions and investigating new types of H-bonding.

James Wright II
3rd year PhD student, with BS from Univ Southern Indiana, James is exploring trialkyl germanium cations and their potential as catalysts for phosphazene polymerization.

Paul Richardson
5th year PhD student, with a BS from Lindenwood University in St. Louis, Mo. Paul is working with iron porphyrins, the magnetochemical series, and metal carborane catalyzed reactions.


Gabe Mueck 1st year PhD student, with BS from CSU San Bernadino, Gabe is exploring trialkyl tin cations and their potential as catalysts for phosphazene polymerization.

Matt Nava
Matt is a UCR chem major in his senior year. He is exploring methods to make useful new substitution reactions on carborane anions.

Carlos Hernandez
Carlos is a UCR chem major in his junior year. He is exploring the nature of the proton in solvents such as acetonitrile.





Dr. Fook Tham UCR Staff Crystallographer
Prof. Len Mueller Associate Prof., UCR
Prof. Peter Boyd

Auckland NZ

Prof. Ian Manners Bristol, Toronto
Prof. Thomas Müller Oldenburg University
Prof. Rudi Wechmschulte Florida IT
Prof. Jonathan White Melbourne
Prof. Peter Jutzi Beilefeld
Prof. Bob Armstrong Sydney
Prof. Peter Lay Sydney
Prof. Andreas Hirsch Erlangen
Prof. Yohsuke Yamamoto Hiroshima
Prof. Jay Siegel University of Zurich

Recent Reed Group Members

Janaina Perez Univ of Bonn, Germany
Dr. Selen Bilge Ankara University, Turkey
Simon Duttwyler Univ of Zurich, Switzerland
Stefan Fankel Univ of Bonn, Germany
Dr. Christos Douvris Univ of Colorado
Gretchan Stanton Grad Student at U Penn
Torahiko Yamaguchi PhD Hiroshima University, Postdoc Tsukuba Univ
Jaime Torres Grad student CSULA
Dr. Kee-Chan Kim Linde Electronics, San Marcos CA
Dr. Luis Garate-Morales
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico
Dr. Yun Zhang CooperVision Inc, Pleasanton, CA

Dr. Stephan Hoffmann

LAM Research Corp.
Dr. Mark Juhasz Asst. Prof., Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA
Dr. Tsuyoshi Kato

CNRS Toulouse

Dr. Chris Richardson Lecturer, Australian National University, Canberra
Dr. Dan Stasko

University of Southern Maine

Dr. Dayong Sun


Dr. Alex Clark

Chemical Computing Group (Montreal)

Dr. Parimal Paul

Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Inst., India

Dr. Bob Bolskar TDA, Boulder CO
Dr. Anna Larsen

Assistant Prof., Ithaca College , New York

Dr. Dan Evans Patent Attorney
Dr. Than  Fackler

Prof., Nebraska Wesleyan University

Dr. Tatiana Drovetskaya National Starch, NJ
Dr. Raj Mathur Senior R&D Chemist, Albemarle Corp.
Dr. Zuowei Xie Prof., Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. David Finster Prof., Wittenberg University
Dr. Robert Reed University of Waterloo
Dr. Yongping Sun

Post-Doc, U of Minn

Dr. John Stinchombe European Patent Office
Miriam Bennett Assistant Professor, San Diego State University
Marg Kosal
Nunn School of International Affairs Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA
Paul Miller

Grad. Student at U of Washington







Department of Chemistry