Amy Avelar
Fourth-year graduate student,
B.S. UC-Riverside.
She has made diprotic superacids with B12 dianions. Her research is supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship.

Dr. Evgenii Stoyanov
Dr. Stoyanov is a Visiting Professor from Novosibirsk , Russia .
He is an IR expert and is investigating protonated molecules and H-bonding.

Irini Stoyanova
Irini is a Visiting Scientist from Novosibirsk , Russia . She is synthesizing reactive cations with carborane anions and investigating new types of H-bonding. |
James Wright II
3rd year PhD student, with BS from Univ Southern Indiana, James is exploring trialkyl germanium cations and their potential as catalysts for phosphazene polymerization. |

Paul Richardson
5th year PhD student, with a BS from Lindenwood University in St. Louis, Mo. Paul is working with iron porphyrins, the magnetochemical series, and metal carborane catalyzed reactions.
Gabe Mueck
gmuec001@ucr.edu 1st year PhD student, with BS from CSU San Bernadino, Gabe is exploring trialkyl tin cations and their potential as catalysts for phosphazene polymerization. |
Matt Nava mnava002@student.ucr.edu
Matt is a UCR chem major in his senior year. He is exploring methods to make useful new substitution reactions on carborane anions. |
Carlos Hernandez
chern015@ucr.edu Carlos is a UCR chem major in his junior year. He is exploring the nature of the proton in solvents such as acetonitrile. |
Dr. Fook Tham |
UCR Staff Crystallographer |
Prof. Len Mueller |
Associate Prof., UCR |
Prof. Peter Boyd |
Auckland NZ |
Prof. Ian Manners |
Bristol, Toronto |
Prof. Thomas Müller |
Oldenburg University |
Prof. Rudi Wechmschulte |
Florida IT |
Prof. Jonathan White |
Melbourne |
Prof. Peter Jutzi |
Beilefeld |
Prof. Bob Armstrong |
Sydney |
Prof. Peter Lay |
Sydney |
Prof. Andreas Hirsch |
Erlangen |
Prof. Yohsuke Yamamoto |
Hiroshima |
Prof. Jay Siegel |
University of Zurich |
Janaina Perez |
Univ of Bonn, Germany |
Dr. Selen Bilge |
Ankara University, Turkey |
Simon Duttwyler |
Univ of Zurich, Switzerland |
Stefan Fankel |
Univ of Bonn, Germany |
Dr. Christos Douvris |
Univ of Colorado |
Gretchan Stanton |
Grad Student at U Penn |
Torahiko Yamaguchi |
PhD Hiroshima University, Postdoc Tsukuba Univ |
Jaime Torres |
Grad student CSULA |
Dr. Kee-Chan Kim |
Linde Electronics, San Marcos CA |
Dr. Luis Garate-Morales |
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico |
Dr. Yun Zhang |
CooperVision Inc, Pleasanton, CA |
Dr. Stephan Hoffmann |
LAM Research Corp. |
Dr. Mark Juhasz |
Asst. Prof., Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA |
Dr. Tsuyoshi Kato |
CNRS Toulouse |
Dr. Chris Richardson |
Lecturer, Australian National University, Canberra |
Dr. Dan Stasko |
University of Southern Maine |
Dr. Dayong Sun |
Monsanto |
Dr. Alex Clark |
Chemical Computing Group (Montreal) |
Dr. Parimal Paul |
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Inst., India |
Dr. Bob Bolskar |
TDA, Boulder CO |
Dr. Anna Larsen |
Assistant Prof., Ithaca College , New York |
Dr. Dan Evans |
Patent Attorney |
Dr. Than Fackler |
Prof., Nebraska Wesleyan University |
Dr. Tatiana Drovetskaya |
National Starch, NJ |
Dr. Raj Mathur |
Senior R&D Chemist, Albemarle Corp. |
Dr. Zuowei Xie |
Prof., Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Dr. David Finster |
Prof., Wittenberg University |
Dr. Robert Reed |
University of Waterloo |
Dr. Yongping Sun |
Post-Doc, U of Minn |
Dr. John Stinchombe |
European Patent Office |
Miriam Bennett |
Assistant Professor, San Diego State University |
Marg Kosal |
Nunn School of International Affairs Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA
Paul Miller |
Grad. Student at U of Washington |