The Instruments and Facilities of the Reed Group
The Reed Group has been at UC Riverside for several years now, having moved from USC in 1998. We are located in the new Chemical Sciences Building (Pierce Hall Annex) which opened in the summer of 2000. Each lab has a fully-loaded office that connects to the lab, with a large window that allows full visibility of the labspace from the office.
Graduate Student and Post Doc Office
Our air sensitive reagents and solvents are all pre-purified before use. Large amounts of solvents were once purified by the use of stills, which are both cumbersome and often dangerous. Now we have installed a contained solvent purification system that allows us to plumb the dryboxes with solvents 'on-tap' from 20 liter canisters. The solvents are passed through columns of activated alumina and Q5 (a commercial oxygen scrubber) and are then air and water free without the extensive use of stills or the storage of large amounts solvents inside the drybox. |
Solvent Purification System
The Reed group instrumentation includes: FT-IR, Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Thermal Gravametric Analyzer, and HPLC. Augmenting these instruments are the 5 departmental NMR's (a 600MHz, a 500MHz, two 300 MHz and a 270MHz), the ACIF optical laboratory (go here ) the departmental Mass-Spec facility and two CCD based X-Ray diffractometers. |
One of 4 double-length gloveboxes
Much of the work done in the Reed group deals with the routine manipulation of quite air and water sensitive compounds. We currently have 4 new double-length VAC Atmospheres gloveboxes with onboard oxygen sensors, refrigerators, secondary mini-antechambers. Each has fiberoptic hookups for UV-Vis, and one box is dedicated solely to instruments to minimize contamination. |
Dual Manifold Vac Line
When use of the glove box is impractical we employ the use of dual manifold high vacuum or Schlenk lines. |
Other Resources
We have access to the Gaussian suite of programs for theoretical calculations and the Cambridge Crystallographic Database for searching X-ray crystal structure data.